Personal blog

This is my personal blog. Here I post my opinions and feelings on any subject I have a desire to. I do not expect you to agree with anything I have to say, all I ask is for you to respect that this is my opinion. If you have the need to comment please do so.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just a little Ramble on the Weather

Well the weather today is looking pretty bad, well not to me, but to those who live here in Tennessee. It started out raining this morning and then turned to snow this afternoon causing slush to form on the roads. Several colleges in the area have canceled their evening classes, my college has yet to do that, but I think that for my own safety that I will not be attending class tonight. I would rather miss a day of school than risk my life with the way people down here drive.
I don't know about you, but not even my grades are worth my life. I have been in 2 accidents in the almost 4 years I have lived here, one was my own fault, the other was legally no ones fault, but that is to be argued. Anyways, the weather here in the last several weeks has been absolutely insane. I've heard that TN hasn't seen this much snow in like 15 years, and of course because it rarely snows like this, the cities and counties are not prepared for it. They do their best to make sure the main roads and highways are clear, and leave it to the rest of us to either drive on our own side streets or not. No big deal, they do the best they can and I thank them for that.
I'm not really sure where this rambling is going but then again that is why it is called rambling right. Anyways I hope you all are safe and warm at home, I hope to be very soon.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with you when you say the weather in this area has been insane in the last few weeks. I would go further and say that the people down here refuse to learn how to deal with the strange weather. Come on!! How many times in the past 2 months has it snowed down here? And people still don't take the time to learn from previous snows! My guess is that these people are about as capable of learning from previous bad weather incidents as they are of forgetting that they lost the war of northern agression. It does not take an advanced degree in physics to be able to learn caution when driving and approaching a wet spot on the road when the temps are very low. Chances are high that at least one of those wet spots is black ice. (BTW, "black ice" is not always black!) Frankly, I have lost patience with the attitudes surrounding bad weather down here. The only bad weather that tends to bother me is when a tornado warning/watch is issued. As a descendant of the victors in the war of northern agression, I have no patience with the lack of ability to learn how to navigate in snow, but I remain terrified of tornadoes!

    The school districts down here tend to close at the "imagined possibility" of snow. As it is, the public school teachers are going to have the school year extended. They will be required to teach, but they will NOT be paid for an extended school year. Why? Because they are being paid to sit home now. Since all of the snow days have been used, any further closings due to weather will be tacked on to the end of the school year with no pay for teachers. Frankly, I think public school teachers get crapped on enough without requiring them to teach for no pay. Their pay is low enough as it is!!
