Personal blog

This is my personal blog. Here I post my opinions and feelings on any subject I have a desire to. I do not expect you to agree with anything I have to say, all I ask is for you to respect that this is my opinion. If you have the need to comment please do so.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Thoughts Running Through My Head: Episode 2

Just really one thought running through my head today as I sit at McDonalds eating. As I was getting ready to order my food, 2 Air force officers walk in behind me. They are talking and laughing a little bit. I suddenly have the urge to turn around and thank them for their service to this wonderful country. Now this isn't the first time this has happened, in fact it has happened on many occasions. Now I am not for the war that is going on right now, in fact I am totally against it, but how can we as a country not support those that are over there risking their lives. How can we not thank them for what it is that they do.

My younger brother Josh, is currently over in Afghanistan right now in the Army training to be a medic. Now it not just because of this that I have found this respect for the armed services. I have always had respect for them as my Grandpa on my dad's side was in WWII and Vietnam I believe, and my mothers Step-dad was also in the armed forces. I have just gained a greater respect for them because of my brother. He chose to go over there to defend his family and his friends and the country.

How can anyone bitch about that, or show any disrespect to anyone who chose, they were not forced to join, they chose to join the armed forces. That would be like someone bitching about, or showing disrespect to anyone that chose to become a police officer. It is not any different, police officers protect their city, county or state; while the armed forces protect their country. How is that any different.

I guess what I am saying here is that just because you may disagree with the war, please do not disrespect those people that have died fighting and are still fighting to keep this country safe. They have nothing but love for you, their families and this country. Those are traits that should be respected and admired.

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