Personal blog

This is my personal blog. Here I post my opinions and feelings on any subject I have a desire to. I do not expect you to agree with anything I have to say, all I ask is for you to respect that this is my opinion. If you have the need to comment please do so.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


     You know, when you get internet you expect it to work, and you expect it to work at all times, so why is it that some unnamed isp keeps going out on me. I mean every night after 8 pm usually around 9:30 or 10 my internet goes out and will not come back on until the next morning, no matter what I try. So I call and complain, and they tell me how to fix it, only that doesn't work. So I have no choice but to call them back, and again they try to fix it and again it fails. I have to call them back AGAIN for them to finally send a tech out here to look at it and see what is going on. There are only 2 real possibilities as to what is wrong, a) their service just totally sucks, or b) the brand new modem I bought a month ago is faulty and therefore have to take it back and get it replaced.
     Now me, being who I am, tend to think that the service just sucks and I would cancel it, only one problem with that though, I am locked into a one year contract with them, so either they fix the problem and I am happy or they can't fix the problem and I am stuck with only about 12 hours of internet connection and be the most unhappy person.
     Why am I ranting and raving about this you may ask, well simply put I am paying for internet that works the way it is supposed to, but instead I get faulty, glitchy internet service that so far no one has been able to fix. It is completely ridiculous that anyone should have to put up with this. Now I understand that around 8 pm is when most ppl get online and go to facebook and such things, but come on. If the company knows this then they should know that that is the time they REALLY need to boost their signal so that their customers are happy and not getting pissed off.
     So what is your opinion on this, do you think I am right to be pissed off or do you think I am way off base. Comment and let me know.


  1. My first reaction to your rant is that it is totally justified. My second reaction is that this is a prime example of capitalism at its worse.

    You pay for a service to perform at a certain level of expectation, you should get that service performing at that level of expectation. If the service is not performing up to standard, there should be some form of recourse. Look at your agreement and find the loophole. Now that loophole may be that it allows the isp all the leverage is needs to short changes its customers, but it may also allow you an out from their inferior service. See if you can find an option to formally complain about their service.

    What I am leading up to is a legal form of blackmail. That is, you work their system to completion, then let them know you are going to go public because they are providing inferior service contrary to their public advertisements. Do this in writing. You will be amazed at how quickly you can get some very positive action to resolve all of your problems when they are on the verge of public exposure.

    As for my second reaction, this type of action (or rather inaction) by vendors is all too typical of what has been allowed to happen in the past few years. Corporate America's mantra is "Screw the consumer. Take them for all the have and give as little as possible in return!" I hate it, but that seems to be more the case than the exception.

    So, do I think you are right to be upset? You betcha, I do!! Try the step by step blackmail and let me know what happens.

  2. At this point I am going through all of the steps. The tech came out and spent almost 2 hours here trying to fix the issues he could find. He found a lot of errors that were coming from the network, he did his best to clear them up so hopefully it will work. If it doesn't work then I am going to call them back up and basically tell them that they either fix the problem for free or they let me out of the contract because I am unhappy with their service. Don't know what else I can do other than that.
