Personal blog

This is my personal blog. Here I post my opinions and feelings on any subject I have a desire to. I do not expect you to agree with anything I have to say, all I ask is for you to respect that this is my opinion. If you have the need to comment please do so.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas or Something Like It

    As Christmas looms closer and closer, I become more and more depressed. Why you may ask. Well simply put, I don't have a job and therefore no money to buy even a small little gift for the person most important to me. As a friend posted in his blog earlier, we seem to have forgotten what the true meaning of Christmas is and where it all actually came from.
    It started as a Pagan holiday known as Yule, and basically it was a celebration for the return of light and warmth to the world. A celebration for when the ground would start to thaw and crops could begin to be grown again. As time went on it was adopted into Christianity as a way to bring more pagans into the flock. It became known as Christmas a time to celebrate the birth of a child that brought light back into the world. There were not any gifts given nor were they expected. I am not sure how Christmas became associated with gifts and Santa Clause but eventually it did. In between all of this we seem to have forgotten what the true purpose of this time of year was and still should be. Simply it is a time to celebrate and be truly thankful for all we have, our families, our friends, our children. A time of renewal, the return of the "light" and hope to the world.
     So why do I get depressed after all I have said? Well because like many people in the world I grew up with gifts for Christmas, and I always used Christmas as a way to try and show my family how much I cared about them and to show them that I was listening when we would go to the store and they would say "I want" whatever it was. It is my way of showing those I love that I care about them very much and to so them how much I appreciate them. I have a hard time actually getting those points across any other way, not to say that I can't, but it is much easier for me to give to people to show them than it is to tell them.
    It is sad that this time of year has become a time of not paying your bills in order to get those gifts your family wants. A time when stores expect everyone to spend so much money on gifts and such things that they put themselves into debt, which in turn helps the credit card companies and so on and so forth. We have come to expect gifts from friends and family this time of year as they expect the same from us. This time is really for being with your family and spending quality time with them. Even though you may argue or fight, that is normal in any family, you are still spending time with them and doing your best to show them that you care, and that they mean a lot to you.
    With all of this said, there really is only a few more things to say. Merry Christmas everyone, and please use this time of year to really appreciate your friends and family by spending time with them.

1 comment:

  1. First, a little perspective. There really was a St. Nicholas. He lived in the 3rd century and was associated with children and many other things. There was no such thing as Santa Claus until the poem "The Night Before Christmas" was published. And as for the giving of gifts, that stems from the 3 Wise Men who brought gifts to the Christ Child. Now that said, here is what I really want to impart.

    Christmas is a time of giving. It is also the prime time for commercialism. If a business does not do well during the Christmas season, it is a bad year and many go out of business.

    From my perspective and preference, I believe that the most precious gift anyone can give is a gift of self. What that means to me is that you give something of yourself. If you have talents in a certain area (art, music, writing, etc.), then use those talents for gift giving. For example, if you have a talent for music, then write and perform a composition for each person on your list. If you have a talent for art, the draw/sculpt/etc. something for the individuals. If you have a talent for writing, the write a poem, story, play, etc. for the people on your list. In other words, DO something for someone else by using your talents. That is a gift from the heart and the expense is your time and effort. That, in my opinion, would be the best gift ever and one that will be treasured for long, long years.

    So, out with the depression and in with the self efforts. Use your talents for others and you will get just as much joy from them as they do.
