Personal blog

This is my personal blog. Here I post my opinions and feelings on any subject I have a desire to. I do not expect you to agree with anything I have to say, all I ask is for you to respect that this is my opinion. If you have the need to comment please do so.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Still No Job on the Homefront

    So, as of today I still have not found a job. I have been looking since the beginning of September, and still nothing. I have sent many a resume and filled out more applications than I care to count. This is getting really tuff, with the economy in the state it is in and the unemployment rate as high as it is, it is even making it difficult for those of us that have degrees to find a job.
    At this point I don't really care what the job is as long as it is a job and it pays. It has to pay more than my unemployment does, which really isn't much. When I was in Michigan I made at least $100 more a week than I do here, but that is neither her nor there. The fact remains that I still need to find a job in order to survive.
    All of this makes me wonder if there is something that we the consumers can do in order to help the economy without putting ourselves farther into debt. I think that maybe spending a little more than usual here and there is a good idea. We also need to realize that if we want companies to start hiring again we need to give them the business that they need to make the money to get those positions open again. Unfortunately, many big companies out there are outsourcing their jobs, I am not sure if there is anything that can be done about that, but there has to be something. I am an intelligent person, but when it comes to economics and such things I have no clue, I am a computer person, I am a programmer, that is what I know and that is what I do. I only have a basic understanding of economics, and what I understand is what I have stated, in order for jobs to become available the money has to be spent on whatever it is the company is selling, the more that is spent the better the chance of jobs becoming available. I could be wrong, I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. "Ask. Believe. Receive." (That's from the book "The Secret.") I firmly believe in that. What I think is that you have worked yourself into a certain way of thinking. It appears to me that all you think you can do is work for some company. Not so. Have you thought of working for yourself? You have a mind capable of creative thought. So think!! What is it that someone or some company (large or small) could use to make their life easier, better, more profitable, more secure, etc. Now use your knowledge to answer that need. Yes, there are lots of programs for just about everything. So what? You find that niche that is either not addressed or is underaddressed. Be a WalMart kinda person. Make a better wheel, but make it cheaper than what's already out there. I can't help you with the thought process because I have no background or knowledge of the area, but you do. So, do some breathing and relaxation exercises, clear the mind of clutter, and let the creative thoughts come. You can do it, but only if you have faith in yourself and just do it. I have faith in you. Who else does? Draw on that energy and let it work for you.
