Personal blog

This is my personal blog. Here I post my opinions and feelings on any subject I have a desire to. I do not expect you to agree with anything I have to say, all I ask is for you to respect that this is my opinion. If you have the need to comment please do so.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wow Kinda forgot about this.

So again life has gotten in the way and I had forgotten about my little blog here. Funny how that happens, you put so much time and effort into something, planning on keeping up with it at least a few times a week and then suddenly life happens and you forget all about the product and the time and effort you put into it. What can you do though.

So what have all my followers been up to lately? Me, I've been working at the Adventure Science Center Nashville, going to school and doing intuitive and tarot readings at a wonderful metaphysical store out in Mt. Juliet called Zierra Myst. The owner, Carol, is a wonderful woman whom I met through a couple of friends. She is very knowledgeable about many different things, if you are ever in Mt. Juliet, you should look up the store and stop in for a visit. Here is the link to the website Take a look and see some of the things she has.

Well I am off for now as I am at work at should prolly find something to do.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just a little Ramble on the Weather

Well the weather today is looking pretty bad, well not to me, but to those who live here in Tennessee. It started out raining this morning and then turned to snow this afternoon causing slush to form on the roads. Several colleges in the area have canceled their evening classes, my college has yet to do that, but I think that for my own safety that I will not be attending class tonight. I would rather miss a day of school than risk my life with the way people down here drive.
I don't know about you, but not even my grades are worth my life. I have been in 2 accidents in the almost 4 years I have lived here, one was my own fault, the other was legally no ones fault, but that is to be argued. Anyways, the weather here in the last several weeks has been absolutely insane. I've heard that TN hasn't seen this much snow in like 15 years, and of course because it rarely snows like this, the cities and counties are not prepared for it. They do their best to make sure the main roads and highways are clear, and leave it to the rest of us to either drive on our own side streets or not. No big deal, they do the best they can and I thank them for that.
I'm not really sure where this rambling is going but then again that is why it is called rambling right. Anyways I hope you all are safe and warm at home, I hope to be very soon.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

It's Been Awhile

     I know it has been awhile since I last posted but you know how life can get in the way of things you want to do. With Thanksgiving and Christmas and school starting up again and such things. I just kind of forgot about this, hopefully now that my life is settling down again I will have the time and energy to keep up on this.
      Anyways, so what is new in my life? Well first thing is, I finally found a job, it is a student worker position, but it is great. I am working at the Nashville Adventure Science Center in the IT department and I am having so much fun. Not only is it fun, but it is definitely a learning experience and gives me experience in the IT field, which will help me get a better job in the future.
      I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year, or any of the multiple other holidays around those times of year. Mine were all wonderful, filled with the most important people in my life, although there were those that were missed because either I could not get to them or the could not get to me. They all knew I was thinking about them and I knew they were thinking about me, which is the most important thing around the holidays. It is not the presents that you get or what you get to do that makes the holidays important, it is the time spent with family and friends and those who are closest to you in this life. It is the knowledge that even though you may not be able to be with them, you are always in their hearts as they are in yours. It is a great gift to them and to yourself just to call and talk to them and tell them you love them and you miss them.
     Don't forget that sometimes the most important creatures in you life may also be your pets if you have them. This year my partner and I have adopted a rescue animal. He is a mini pot-bellied pig, we have decided to call him Nermal, and he is the most amazing animal. We have not gotten him yet, but he will be with us in the next few days. Nermal comes to us because the people who owned him before could not keep him and he had nowhere else to go, he is incredibly intelligent, as are most pigs, he is not only litter trained but housed trained as well. He is leash trained and a wonderfully loving creature of whatever higher power you may believe in. When he comes to us I will be sure to post pictures here to let you all see him and if possible I will post some videos as well.
     I hope all of your New Years have started out wonderfully, I know mine has and I just know this is going to be a great year, not only for my partner and I, but for all of you as well. I know this is a cliche but honestly when you think positively, then positive things come into your life. There may be trials and times of sadness, but just remember there are reasons behind them, find the strength within yourself, that is given to you by whatever higher power you believe in, and you can and will make through those times and come out a stronger, better person than before. My partner is always saying this simple phrase to me, "God does not put more on you than he does in you", of course in my mind I interpret it as "God and Goddess do not put more on you than they do in you". But whatever way you see it, it is absolutely true.
Happy New Year my friends, I love you all and wish nothing but the best for you and yours. Blessed Be.