Personal blog

This is my personal blog. Here I post my opinions and feelings on any subject I have a desire to. I do not expect you to agree with anything I have to say, all I ask is for you to respect that this is my opinion. If you have the need to comment please do so.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Totally confused right now

Ok so first off I just want to say that I am not sure if this is coming from the fact that I have been drinking tonight or if my medication isn't working well or any other thing but this is currently how I feel.

     Tonight I feel so confused, I am dating a great guy and I really do like him, not sure yet if I love him or not as it hasn't been long enough to tell,  but tonight I was out with some friends and then went back to another friends house for a birthday party and I was reminded of how much I like this other guy as well. He is sweet and funny and younger than I am, not sure if he is even into me at all, the attraction is not just physical but mental as well and I don't even know if he would even go for me. Thus the confusion I am in tonight, but again i am not sure if it is because of the alcohol, meds not working correctly or something else entirely, but only me and the Gods know how confused I feel right now.

     I don't know what to do. There are so many thoughts and emotions running through my head and my heart right now that I can't tell what is real and what is just wishful thinking. I know and the great guy I am dating knows that I am not built for monogamy, but is it really possible to feel love for two people, feel it the exact same way, well maybe not love but at least attraction. I know there are several people who will read this and know the two people I am talking about, and honestly I am not sure of their reactions to this.

    I really want the person that I am dating right now to understand some of the things I am feeling, although I am not sure if he will. I want him to know that I really do care for him very much, but I cannot say that I love him as of yet. And I really want all of my friends to understand and hope that they will not judge me as most of them will know the two people I am talking about. I am attracted to both of these men for the same reasons, I find them both to be very good looking, intelligent, wonderful men, and I believe that both of them could handle me and my moods and my sarcasm and sense of humor.