Personal blog

This is my personal blog. Here I post my opinions and feelings on any subject I have a desire to. I do not expect you to agree with anything I have to say, all I ask is for you to respect that this is my opinion. If you have the need to comment please do so.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Great Reads

So I have finished the Hunger Games trilogy, and oh my Gods it was amazing. The first book Hunger Games pulls you in really quickly and it keeps you wanting to read more and more. The second book, Catching Fire is a little bit of a slow starter but once it starts you can't put it down. By the third book, Mockingjay, you are so involved with the characters and the story that you just won't want to put it down.

The characters are absolutely real and amazing. The author paints a very real and graphic picture of the world and characters. You see their flaws and their strengths, you feel everything they feel. By the end of the series there are certain characters that you just hate and ones that you love and at times they may switch.

I would suggest these books to anyone who likes a great story and a realistic world and characters.  I must say thank you to Will and Julia Prater for turning me onto these books.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Thoughts Running Through My Head: Episode 2

Just really one thought running through my head today as I sit at McDonalds eating. As I was getting ready to order my food, 2 Air force officers walk in behind me. They are talking and laughing a little bit. I suddenly have the urge to turn around and thank them for their service to this wonderful country. Now this isn't the first time this has happened, in fact it has happened on many occasions. Now I am not for the war that is going on right now, in fact I am totally against it, but how can we as a country not support those that are over there risking their lives. How can we not thank them for what it is that they do.

My younger brother Josh, is currently over in Afghanistan right now in the Army training to be a medic. Now it not just because of this that I have found this respect for the armed services. I have always had respect for them as my Grandpa on my dad's side was in WWII and Vietnam I believe, and my mothers Step-dad was also in the armed forces. I have just gained a greater respect for them because of my brother. He chose to go over there to defend his family and his friends and the country.

How can anyone bitch about that, or show any disrespect to anyone who chose, they were not forced to join, they chose to join the armed forces. That would be like someone bitching about, or showing disrespect to anyone that chose to become a police officer. It is not any different, police officers protect their city, county or state; while the armed forces protect their country. How is that any different.

I guess what I am saying here is that just because you may disagree with the war, please do not disrespect those people that have died fighting and are still fighting to keep this country safe. They have nothing but love for you, their families and this country. Those are traits that should be respected and admired.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Family, Those who you can always count on

So todays blog is obviously all about family. Family for me are the people that I am related to by blood but also those that I choose to call family.  Now here is the kicker, not all of those I am related to do I consider family, nor are all of my friends considered as such. For me, family consists of those that are either blood related or I choose to call family, that I know no matter what are going to be there for me and always have been.

For instance, I am currently having some financial issues that I need some help with. I talked to my brother this morning and asked him if he could lend me some money. He was the only one I asked and the only one I would ask for a couple of reasons. First, I know that he would give me the shirt off his back if I didn't have one, and second I know that he is the only one who has the ability right now to lend me money. I'm not saying that there aren't others out there who would help me, but there are usually stipulations and judgement involved. With my brother there isn't any of that. That is true family.

Another example of family is those really close friends that you can always call on when you need some advice or just a shoulder to cry on and they don't judge you for it, they sometimes give you advice but also know when the time is right to do so. They understand that sometimes you don't want or need advice at the time you just need someone to listen and give you a shoulder to cry on.

Family also knows that sometimes things slip your mind and instead of getting mad at you for not calling and keeping in touch, they instead call you and see how you are doing. Or just call you to say hi and hear your voice. They are the ones that no matter how much you smile and fake happy, no matter how good you are at it, always knows when something is wrong and won't give up until you tell them. They always seem to just know, no matter how quiet you have been about things going on in your life, they just know. Family also has no problem telling you when you are being an ass, or overreacting, or just fucking up and they have no qualms about telling you, no matter how angry or pissed off you may get because they know that you will realize what they are saying is true and you will apologize for  treating them badly when they were trying to help you.

So you see, family doesn't have to be only blood related, family is and always should be the combination of those in your life that you can trust and go to for support when you need it and advice, or just a shoulder to cry on. That is what true family is.

So in closing I just want to say thank you to all of you that are my family, you know who are. And if you have to think about whether or not I consider you family, then more than likely I don't. The Gods bring many people into your life and they always bring the good with the bad, but remember they always bring family into your life to help you combat the bad.

Love and Light
Brightest Blessings to all of you

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thoughts Running Through My Head

Hmmm not really sure what I want to write about today, so I think this post is just going to be thoughts running through my head.

I went and saw my therapist on Monday, as I do every other week, and I was doing fine when I went in. I was happy, or so I thought. Was just telling him about the things that have happened over the last 2 weeks and suddenly, I think of my exes cat Nixon. I realized that I truly missed him. I miss him in the morning laying right next to my legs. I miss when I would come home and sit down and he would jump up on the couch by me just to tell me hi. Then I realized that my cat, Avalon, missed him as well. She has been searching the house and throwing a fit since my ex left. And the more I think of these things, the more upset I become, next thing I know, I am balling my eyes out in front of my therapist. I hadn't realized how much I missed him. It just makes it worse that I know that Avalon misses him. The train of thought basically goes like this, Avalon misses him, it makes me sad, that makes me think of how much I miss Nixon, which makes me think of how much Nixon must miss Avalon, which in turn makes me think about how Nixon is handling that, which goes into oh Gods I hope nothing happens to him because if it does my ex would be crushed.  And that string of thoughts just keeps running through my head making me bawl.

The same day I go home after my session and I realize how empty and quiet the house is. Then I realize that I really need to get a roommate and fast because I can't afford the rent and everything by myself. Then I see everything that needs to be done in order to fix it up to the point that someone would be willing to move in. Then I realize that the only thing I can really do to fix up the place is paint and the landlord will have to fix everything else. So I get a hold of the landlord only to discover that my ex and I still owe him back rent, and the back rent is over $4000. I start to freak cause I have no idea how in the hell that is going to get paid, and if I can't get that paid then the landlord can't fix the things that need fixing. So I am in a catch 22, basically I am screwed.

I am trying so hard to be positive right now, and I am doing it, but it is a struggle and it is exhausting because I constantly have to fight off the negative emotions and thoughts that perpetually try to invade my thoughts.

This has been episode 1 of Thoughts Running Through My Head. Tune in again for another episode sometime.

Friday, March 2, 2012

In the Aftermath

Well, Scott the rest of his stuff out yesterday. The house feels empty. I think Avalon may be having a nervous break down because she can't find Nixon. Myself, well again the house feels very empty and I am feeling a little lonely right now. Doing my best to see the positive side of things. I know I will need some time to heal, even though it was my decision, and some time to really start on the new me. It still hurts and makes me sad. Nine years we were together. That is a very long time to be with the same person and then not have them there anymore.

I saw him packing up his things for over a week, and every time I saw it, I would get sick to my stomach. Knowing that he was angry and upset and trying not to show it, I did my best to not show how I was feeling as well. I am still feeling it right now. I am terrified beyond measure, excited beyond belief, more sad than I have ever been, yet the happiest I have been in a very long time. So many opposing emotions, I don't know if I should cry, jump for joy, curl into a ball and fight the change, or just accept it for what it is.

In the aftermath of all of this, where am I? The honest answer, I don't know. Somewhere in between limbo and outer space. Lost on my new path, but I know where I am. Is this confusing you, because it is confusing the hell out of me. I've met some great new people on the path to this new me. And I don't think I could continue on this path without them and the great friends I do have.

I have yet to cry over the loss of this relationship and I am not sure if I ever will. People tell me that I really should cry and that I need to cry, but why. I had a long time to make my choice and I made it, I think I said goodbye to that relationship many months ago. I am a highly emotional person who makes all decisions based on emotion. I am trying to not be so emotional and depend a little more on logic and letting it rule my emotions not the other way around. I am not letting myself cry to be honest, I am afraid that if I start crying I may not stop. I am afraid that if I start crying I may spiral down into depression even with the help of my medications. I have to show myself that I a strong person, that I can make it on my own. That I am a strong person, that I do have a value all my own. I just need to show myself that I can do what I set my mind to.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Life lessons

Ok so today is the day that Scott moves out of the house. What will today be like for and him? I have no clue. What are the next several days, weeks, months be like? Again, I have no clue. What I do know is that now is the time for change, reflection and for life to start teaching us those wonderful little lessons it so loves to teach.

Change is not an easy thing to do. Instinctively we want to rebel against it, we don't want things to change. Things must change in order for people and relationships to grow, become stronger or for them to finally just die out. Change is inevitable, it must happen and it will. We can either struggle against it or we can do our best to go with it. More than likely, most of us will fight it, struggle with it until we can no longer do so and still we would not accept it easily.

Why do we struggle against change, why can we not easily and readily accept it? I think it is very simple, change is scary. Change is really the unknown. Most of us know that we need to change, and that change is a good thing, but still, it terrifies us because we do not really know what that change will bring about in our lives. Will it be a good thing or will it be a bad thing? The only answer I can give is that I truly believe that it is a good thing when we do not struggle so much, when we accept that change is coming and we can do nothing to stop it. It is when we struggle and think that we can stop change, that we can force change to come to a halt with our will power that the change becomes bad.  Now you must understand that the change I am talking about is not changing your hair color or buying a new car. I am talking about life altering, belief restructuring change. The type of change that makes you view the world in a whole new way.

Don't get me wrong, any change can help us to see things differently, buying a house or car, choice of schools to go to, but those are changes that we decide on, changes that we make come about. I am talking about changes that are not necessarily our choice, but instead are brought about by the choices we have made, the good ones, the bad ones and the ugly ones.

So which type of person are you? Are you the one who struggles again change or are you the one who realizes that change is inevitable and that no matter how much we try to fight it, it will happen?